Please see 2B at (click): 【08.06.21】【Serial】Naked Diamond (2B)
- j" p0 b; T- P3 d Naked Diamond3A
* s, l8 ]% z& [( L I'd always considered it was an Internet joke. He would never ring me. It was end of May and nothing happened. When I nearly forgot him, I received his call at the beginning of June. + M1 W* \4 u2 n6 r6 a
I was on the way home after work. My mobile started ringing, but no number was shown.
% C4 u& `$ g% s9 e4 f ' v5 E ]4 k' i |
“Hello.” A strange mellow voice.
( F9 V7 b$ w6 F% a6 T/ E “Hello?” I was seeking my entire contact list in my brain, but couldn't figure out who was calling. 3 `0 C& @$ J* y7 g, X( t% t" E
“Amy?” Who's that? Nobody called me my QQ name. Actually very few people knew it. ( `5 N3 G6 U3 W
“Yes?” I was waiting for him introducing himself. 6 a0 r( u- B K$ W( s3 H( V6 M' E
“Do you remember me?”
- K9 G( j# ~4 F: v a “Where are you?” I didn't say 'no', because I didn't want to make him feel bad or offended, in any case he's one of my ex-boyfriends. I was trying to seek some clue of who possibly could be. 4 Y5 M% b" B Q
“I'm in Bangkok.”
r" y8 v4 i% v. u) E0 W4 F “Ah~~~~, it's you!” I started getting excited, but a little embarrassed because I forgot his name.
# ?' G+ r" q" w4 F9 z, Q “How are you doing?” He's really calling me! From Bangkok! Overseas call! & L; R; O+ G+ v
“I'm fine, but very busy. I'll come to Shanghai next week.” And He's really coming too!9 Q7 d1 N( }6 B7 J
, N9 _" B, ?, [. i7 { Very short conversation but made my day. I couldn't believe he would really come to see me. However, I liked this guy, I liked his voice, I was curious about him. I couldn't wait to see him.
7 a. k' W. G) v+ u# A % f% I5 c2 ^4 c& R! X; @
June in Shanghai is pleasantly hot. Temperature is about 30℃. The air smells of earth and grass. It's lurked with a little unsteady, feels like flying in the sky with warm steam surrounding me. This is a season that very easy to daydream. Streams of undercurrent started from my feet, flooded into my chest, and penetrated into my every single cell. I love this feeling, making me feel sexy. 7 }+ _* H( ?3 G c
6 D% b0 D. [: c9 h0 w6 T+ G
Many people don't like big cities, but to me, it is magnificent and I'll never have enough of it. I am addicted to it. I enjoy walking along the Bund at night, watching the neon lights from the great buildings opposite the Huangpu River; seeing the thousands of different love stories happening along the banks (many banks located along the Bund). There are lots of shopping centres where I could spend all my leisure time in the change rooms, trying on nice dresses, or just window-shopping to treat my eyes. And of course the food. Dinning in various cuisines and styles of restaurants.
9 j$ X* h( n( R& @
4 U' ]6 R! o6 ]" X2 l+ C, a$ ~+ j One week later, Saturday morning. I was doing laundry. My mobile rang up. No number was shown. 7 Z$ X( n" O7 H6 ~# u
“Hello, Amy,” A familiar mellow voice.. F* L( v8 R7 Q& }, d
“Hello, Tik!” After he rang me up last week, the first thing I went home was to log on QQ and find out his name in the chatting record. 7 G& {% K; h" J" t% n( v3 a6 j
5 i8 h, q! R% ?5 y2 [) J) l8 w
“I'm in Shanghai, just arrived. How are you?” He sounds like an old friend.
6 q, R& ~2 X& @& L “I'm fine, just got up and doing some housework. You?” I didn't know why I told him the boring trivial details.# r+ X4 H8 D7 C! u, r
“I'm having a meeting this afternoon, and then I'll be free until Monday. Are you free to come out?” He's asking me out!
5 {3 a, x7 i+ l. Q% X9 Y “Sure, what time you'll finish meeting?” I was trying to control my excited trembling voice. Calm down.
; D" t% T% N ?) E# N; H# _9 w7 l “Won't be long, about an hour.” 6 `; E& ?6 X0 Z8 n1 n* u
“Ok, shall we meet at 5pm?” 7 ^7 B1 T1 n& d
“Fine, I'm in Hyatt.” % ~5 |9 B& F% E7 ]
“Ok, I'll be waiting for you at the entrance. By the way, what are you wearing?”
" k4 f: T3 l- R4 o “Why?” ' q( H1 H: H$ p5 ]! \$ j2 k6 B
“Just to know what I’m going to wear.”
- F, Q* k# W9 I! q* r$ O" m “Hahaha, ok. I'll be wearing white T-shirt and jeans.” I thought he would wear suits or something formal. But, I liked that, it’s more easygoing. 1 z: `& V# y7 w1 T) v: X9 i
“Ok, see you then.” I didn't tell him what I would be wearing, in case after I saw him, I would change my mind and run away. ( ?6 ]7 w- Y6 v& Y* R0 K" R2 [- }
“See you.” He didn't ask me either! Very confident!
# e/ G8 }% y1 t( s: s% i& Z * t' }/ U2 p1 b8 c3 [# l& R
I had been waiting for this day for a long time. I was desperate for something exiting happen in my life. I was surprised he wanted to meet me too. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, because he had an excellent girlfriend and how could such a diamond bachelor fall for a common girl like me.
8 H3 C% t& j P+ c. h) V5 S0 m
- U; j: @. C% O, w I finished my laundry very quickly and started seeking in my wardrobe. I wanted to look casual but feminine and sexy. 7 E& n3 g; A4 r* L& c: J+ @
After nearly an hour's fashion show, I finally decided to wear a close-fitting black low-cut sleeveless top with some lace details around the neckline, and a red up-to-knee mermaid-tale-like skirt. They were my favorite top and skirt, because they can perfectly show off the curve of my athletically slim body. I like to look good and feel good. I love high-heels too, but this time I had to be careful, in case he would be embarrassed that I would look taller than him.
/ T S/ e" w. J8 s$ D4 `8 ? At last, I decided to wear a pair of metallic golden cuspidate leather shoes with 3cm goblet heels. I looked gorgeous and sexy. * g0 D0 ^/ |' g+ A' l) `3 G1 b7 |
I didn't feel like to put any make-up, just carried a black soft leather handbag with me.
" \6 ]9 `7 o/ U( V& Y6 p% M% n7 U3 @9 b- ~
Please see 3B at (click): 【08.07.01】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3B)2 i4 p7 f6 d8 ?3 J0 b4 w8 N
4 A7 Q0 ]7 P, ?$ C- T
1 B3 {2 m+ B: Z; h[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-4 12:50 编辑 ] |
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